    Preparing search index...

    Interface SceneOptions

    possible options for scene constructor

    interface SceneOptions {
        autoSort?: boolean;
            | boolean
            | { debugBVHStroke?: DebugStroke; debugStroke?: DebugStroke };
        label?: string;
        nodeMaxEntries?: number;
        showFPS?: string | boolean;
        view?: HTMLCanvasElement;
        visible?: boolean;
        [key: string]: any;

    Hierarchy (View Summary)


    • [key: string]: any


    autoSort?: boolean

    enables zIndex (per-y) sort of sprites

    debug?: boolean | { debugBVHStroke?: DebugStroke; debugStroke?: DebugStroke }

    set to true to enable debug bounding boxes

    Type declaration

    label?: string

    set name

    nodeMaxEntries?: number

    max size of group in collision tree

    showFPS?: string | boolean

    set to true to show pixi-stats set to string to show and set style set body font to set font of pixi-stats

    view?: HTMLCanvasElement

    pixi v6

    visible?: boolean

    show scene after creation