Class SceneSSR<TBody>

base scene for server side rendering

Type Parameters

  • TBody extends Body = Body

Hierarchy (View Summary)



animationFrame: number = 0

requestAnimationFrame reference.

children: LifecycleProps[] = []

Lifecycles can have children Lifecycles

children$: Subject<Lifecycle> = ...

When Scene Object has children amount changed, it emits this subject.

destroy$: Subject<void> = ...

When Lifecycle Object is destroyed, it emits and closes this subject. Along with destroying his children, which in turn behave the same.

gameObject: GameObjectParent = undefined

Scene doesn't have parent gameObject

label: string

Each Lifecycle Object has label for pixi debugging.

lastUpdate: number

Scene has last update unix time stored.

options: SceneOptions

Options are assigned at creation.

physics: System<TBody>

Reference to Collision Detection System.

update$: Subject<number> = ...

When Lifecycle Object is updated, it emits this subject. Along with updating his children, which in turn behave the same.

x: number

position x

y: number

position y


  • get scene(): undefined
  • Scene doesn't have parent scene

    Returns undefined


  • Parameters

    • Optional_options: Partial<Record<string, any>>

    Returns Promise<boolean>